El Portreo Chico - Jungle Mountaineering (5.10a)


A short and sweet climb that is easily done in half a day or less. Consistent climbing on clean rock with enough interesting movement to be thought provoking, but not enough to slow the pace of the day. I found it the movement challenging and not easy to read for a newer climber.


1 x 80 m rope

12 x quickdraws

Pitch Notes

P1 : A high first bolt gives way to easier climbing on massive jugs above. The top of the climb has bolts that do not follow the easiest line of climbing. I chose to traverse left to clip the last bolt and finish the pitch on the left.

P2 : Fun climbing on edges to a couple of big moves with pockets and the some more fun climbing on edges (and small pockets).

P3 : Launching back into some small edges to easier climbing and a juggy bulge pull. Belay with the two best bolts of the bunch at the anchor.

P4: This pitch was a little odd. the first three bolts were below and right of the climbing, making it weird to second. I coached my follower to just aid them as 5.10a was above her limit. The rest of the pitch gave us some nice big holds to the top.


Rappel from wherever on the route. Since EPC is popular, make sure to act appropriately when parties are below you (saddlebag).


El Portreo Chico - Super Nova (5.11a)


Yamnuska - Super Direct (5.11a)